These are some general errors that can appear while using an email client, email program on your computer like MS outlook.
Make sure that you have the correct server name. In Outlook Express, click tools and then click accounts. Click on your Vanilla mail account to highlight it and then click on Properties. Under the Servers tab, make sure that the Incoming Mail (POP3) is the correct one as supplied by your ISP. Click on OK if changes were made and then Close.
Make sure that you have the correct server name. In Outlook Express, click tools and then click accounts. Click on your Vanilla mail account to highlight it and then click on Properties. Under the Servers tab, make sure that the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) is the correct one as supplied by your ISP. Click on OK if changes were made and then Close.
In Outlook Express go to the menu-bar, click Tools and then click Options. In the Options window click on the Connection tab. Remove the check-mark next to Hang up after sending and receiving. Click on OK.
The connection to the server has failed
This error occurs when your Vanilla email account attempts to connect to incorrect servers. This either happens because you are not connected to the internet, or because one of your email account settings are incorrect.
This usually happens with a dial up account because you have been disconnected from Internet
If someone is trying to send you a very large email, probably with an attachment. In Outlook Express, click on Tools and then Accounts. With your Vanilla email account selected, click on Properties. Under the Advanced tab, change the Server Timeouts slider to Long (5 minutes). Click on OK and then Close.
Alternatively, close your email program and log on to Webmail to retrieve, read, save the attachment if desired, and then delete the email (The attachment must not be bigger than the limit set in Web Email). This should remove the offending email from the Vanilla mail server so that when you re-open your email program it will not be there anymore, and so your email program can move to the next email.
If an email returns to you after sending it you may encounter a 'mail daemon' message. Usually these error messages give the reason why the email was return. The most common reasons are an incorrect email address or, the inbox of the person you are trying to send to is full and they cannot accept any more email.
What happens when you try to access your mail from the web and an email program such as outlook express.
When an email is deleted from Webmail a D flag is placed next to it, to show it has been deleted. This allows a user to see what has been deleted. Simply click on Folders in the top left corner, and then on Inbox, and you will notice that the messages that have been deleted will no longer appear in your inbox.
So, if you are deleting messages from the Webmail, and you are downloading them at the same time in Outlook Express, an error will occur. You could wait a minute or two after you've deleted them off the Webmail and logged out, and then clicking on send/receive in outlook express.
We suggest a refresh in your webmail:
After deleting emails in your Webmail, click on folders in the top left corner, and then on Inbox. Then you may click on send/receive in outlook express.